somatic MOVEMENT

All movement can be somatic, IF you are slowing down to survey the internal experience. When we build awareness of our body’s sensation without any attachment to the outer appearance or desired result we are engaging in somatic movement.

Though we strongly recommend this for those with chronic pain and postural imbalance that is hard to correct, this work is rich, healthy and beneficial to all. Find pleasure, agility, coordination, and self-awareness through movement.

At INOCHI we start on the mat and use touch to engage the client in a somatic experience that helps guide or suggest more efficient movement patterns. As one gains familiarity, we can start to work with guided explorations. Though it starts slow and focused, this work can progress into an expansive range of possibilities.

For more insight her are the SOMATIC TECHNIQUES we use at INOCHI

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE aligns you to find efficiency in your movements and actions.

It stresses that movement should be economical and needs only the minimum amount of energy and effort. With awareness, it is possible to change postural habits and redistribute muscle effort more evenly and gently throughout the body. This work restores a soft, effortless quality to the body. It gives way to greater choices of how we move and how that makes our body feel.

SENSORY REPATTERNING is hands on bodywork helps you feel your range of possible movement.

The session is designed to relax the body through a series of rocking and passive joint movements. It expands your range of motion through various limb movement explorations. There is often a positive experience of possibility and freedom as you allow your body to be moved. As the body is composed primarily of fluids, the movements experienced during a session return the mind to its basic nature, stimulating memories, ideas, and creativity.

FELDENKRAIS uses awareness to improve your movement patterns.

Taking some time to explore how movement is can be done with meaningful intention will eventually help improve your functionality during everyday activities. This work will often start with hands on ‘integration’ sessions where we increase your ability to sense and feel a deconstructed movement. It calms and slows the mind. We then bring this work into guided sequences, allowing you to move freely with intention.

LABAN MOVEMENT ANALYSIS is a clear and understandable tool set that will enable the student to grow their own movement vocabulary and discover new ways to physicalize expression. This work is not just technical but spends time teaching the student how to recognize and act upon creative impulse in the body.